Monday, February 23, 2009

Biya el Khawatem

When a movie tells more than a story. Tells emotions. Tells moments. Labneh eaten next to the fire in the beautiful village of a handsome human being with a lovely grandma. Arak drunk on the terrace of a handsome human being with a wise grandpa. Moments you miss. ta3a wla tiji... w kzob 3layi... el kezbi mech khatiyyi...w3idni enno rah tiji...w ta3a...wla tiji. eza bta3mol ma3rouf...J'ai une larme dans mes yeux.


Unknown said...

what is this?

Maya said...

Hi Nathalie,
Fairuz is a very famous lebases singer. a monument on its own and i adore her! this is a movie where she stars. and it reminds me a very dear person to my heart...

Unknown said...

related to freedom of choice?

Maya said...

yes actually... related to freedom of choice. Do you have a blog yourself?

Unknown said...

I don't blog
I just randomly browse blogs

Your freedom of choice story is weird
You are not in control of your life
That is not normal
You seem following things without any control
You are a follower and that's very weak and somehow irresponsible
Sorry I am being blunt

Maya said...

well Nathalie,
I think you are being more than blunt: you are being rude and quite daring to make judgements on someone you dont know, for a story you dont know. dont you think?

Unknown said...

On your blog stories
I said my opinion
But if you say so